Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Eve Boot Camp

this is Kleon...he is a lot of fun to have around
the sun finally came out in San Diego

Jason was wearing some SHORT shorts

Jingle Bell Run

Pulling tires for 15 minutes HARD WORK

Pulling Becky for 15 minutes also HARD WORK

Our group photo...quickly becoming a holiday/boot camp tradition
For the past almost 2 weeks (since my brother died) I have been having a very hard time with life in general. Which is to be expected. I got a bad migraine the day before he passed and since then suffered from almost a constant headache varying in severity. I knew it was related to stress/sadness. I was also just in a general funk....definitely did not want to do anything but lay in my bed. I certainly did not want to go to work. I spent the past 2 weeks going through the motions feeling like I was trying to reintroduce myself to normal life. I took my son to bowling, went to dinner with a friend, went to work, did the gym. Nothing felt right or good about any of it really. Thursday I did not want to work, the night before my headache had been so bad at work and I was just miserable having to be there. I left early and went to bed after I had slept all day!!
Luckily my doctor (who I love) had an appointment. I went to see her explained everything and she said sometimes a severe migraine can trigger a series of headaches like I had. She said if I took a shot it could break the cycle and hopefully relieve the pain. She also said given the circumstance everything I was experiencing was TOTALLY NORMAL!!! She also excused me from work that night. :-)
I have to say that the shot did exactly what she said and I have been pain free since then. Which was a good thing since we had Christmas Eve Boot Camp in the morning.
We did a 4 mile jingle jangle run (jingle bells on our shoes). I am telling you that no matter how hard I try I am the slowest everytime by a lot. I sure hope my running club and weight loss challenge help with this!!! No one ever makes me feel bad about my pace and Jason encourages me that I am doing good. Then we did drills, plyometrics (don't even really know what that means), ending with abs in the sand!!!
I have to say afterwards I felt incredible. Better then I have felt since I lost my brother!! I think the combo of no more headache and getting in a good tough butt kicking gave me some spark back.
I am sure this won't last forever but it was good to feel like my old self again.
I napped later in the day, went to Christmas Eve service and spent some time with good friends and yummy food. Too bad after such a great work out I ended the day with a huge piece of the most delicious tiramisu cake!!!
Merry Christmas!!!

San Diego Storm Watch 2010

The news always makes a huge deal when a little rain falls in San Diego. This is one of the few times it was actually a pretty nasty unrelenting storm. So I'd be ok if they launched the Storm Watch campaign. I moved last year to Mission Valley which is infact in the valley and like a stones throw from the Stadium AND San Diego River. Both of which flood in any rain more then a drizzle. My actual complex and apartment are on a hill and never in danger of flooding the worst we see is the streets flooding around us with only one way in and out of the neighborhood (up hill away from the river).

So I went to Boot Camp on Wed. (run day which was NOT gonna happen cause it was raining heavily). I was so sleepy didnt even see that half the parking lot was roped off until I almost ran into the rope. My YMCA (Mission Valley YMCA) also runs along the river which had over flowed and was now rushing along the vacant lot adjacent to the building AND through 50% of the parking lot. I parked in the last spot before the rope...then thought for a second probably should move to higher ground. (Thank God I did because later when we left the gym an hour later the water had risen and the car that DID park there was half under water). There was no sidewalk left either we had to walk through the water to get to dry ground.

So Boot Camp was inside since we could not was same ol' same ol'....I must say I miss my boot camp buddie who is traveling for the holidays.

Anyway right in the middle of our circuits the power went completely out in the whole gym (I wonder what that was like on the tredmill???).
Jason was sort of at a loss what to do, he ran to the front desk and came back said it may be the whole street that is out. We had all migrated towards the windows as there was light coming from the windows and exit signs. Jason was sort of baffled what to do then said alright lets keep going....if you want to...and we did 3 sets of 16 push ups. Of course everyone kept going. Turns out if you are crazy enough to go to boot camp @ 5:30am you are crazy enough to do push ups in the dark.
The lights came back on and we continued the circuits. Eventually there was one more momentary outage then the lights stayed on until we finished.

Monday, December 20, 2010

pain is temporary...failure is forever

I'm not sure if I finished my point in the last blog. I dozed off while typing it and sorta closed it off real fast. Anyway I was trying to say that I think I'm going to be writing a lot about losing my brother, the incredible loss & pain I am feeling and how God is going to carry me through this trial as He has many times before.

Today is one week since my brother died. I can not believe it has been a week. It flew by because we were so busy planning the memorial. I took the week off work & it was crazy how busy each day was.
I went back to worl last night. I did not feel like I was ready to go back. I wanted more time BUT the other side of that coin is it is not gonna get any easier to go back. I went through the motions & did my shifts. Thank God I have a mindless, easy job that requires little effort to do.
Today was my return to boot camp. This was almost harder. First of all bootcamp is I kept thinking the moment it is over is exactly the time my brother passed 6:43am.a few of my BC buddies are friends on Facebook or they heard from Krystle about my brother. I got a hug & another said how sorry they were. I got teared up and said thank you but I don't wanna talk about it I just wanna sweat!
I think today I was sweating tears cause I was sweater than normal. It was a brutal workout & Jason (who also knew what happened) showed me NO mercy. Which is GOOD! My mind & heart were distracted most the workout. I imagine I will be sore tomorrow.
I'm glad I went back...its the same as working its not gonna get easier the longer I stay away. So the bandaids are ripped off I'm getting back to normal (well the NEW normal).
I also signed up for the San Diego Striders running club. They train you to do the marathon.
The challenge with this is gonna be getting someone to watch my kids every Sat morning for the 7am runs.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

sometimes you gotta run.......

I know the blog is called becoming a triathlete AND I am tri-Kate.....but I have a feeling it's gonna take on a different them this next year.

I know that I have actually done 2 sprint distance triathlons and my next one is a few months away. Yet I still dont feel like I could legitimately call myself a triathlete. Kinda the same as I got in another size smaller pants and dont feel like I look any different. I still see a fat girl in the mirror. I cant imagine if I met someone and said I'm a triathlete....but in a way I am right??? People keep telling me I look great and I dont see it. I hope that changes. As I write and read this I think it is apparent I have some serious self esteem and confidence issues.

With my brother losing his battle to leukemia this past week it feels like a huge shift is going to happen. I never in a million years knew that it (losing my brother) would feel this way....
Not to seem insenitive or like a horrible person but my brother was a quirky guy and we didnt always get along like 2 peas in a pod. That being said there was no hostility or bad feelings we just were pretty different. Differences didnt stop the bond of being siblings or the love you have for someone that has been a part of your entire life. Something I have been made even more aware of. There is this huge void in my life and heart already. Not to mention he was my kids Uncle and that is a void for them.

Some things definitely changed when he was sick. It was like he softened his heart more towards me and everyone really. He let down some of his walls and made himself more vulernable. I was blessed to stay with him that night in the hospital and care for him BUT if also gave me the chance to show him and myself the love I have for him.

As I said before I know that I will be racing in his honor now but I also feel like doing this having a plan and purpose to focus on and the amount of time it takes will help me heal. I certainly hope!!

This past week I was swamped planning his memorial service with my sister. It was so much to do!! I took the week off of work and it ended up being a week off from the gym. I wanted to go everyday but I just never had time. I made it one day for like 20 min and ran/walked barely 2 miles. I was discouraged. The last thing I want is a set back or to get behind in training/fitness levels. Besides I ate terrible all week and I know it will catch up with me.

Yesterday was my brother's memorial. I woke up and wanted to go for a run. First of all to stay on track and second because I need the time to clear my head and sweat things out. I tried to go to the lake by my parents but it was pitch black and kinda scary. So I bailed that place, got the gym and they were closed until 7a. I was then headed down to the bay....wondering what is wrong with me just go home!!! It was literally an hour of driving around before I got to the bay. Once I started running it felt awesome. I got my favorite worship songs playing and I kept running and running. I eneded up doing the 4.5 miles i was supposed to with energy to spare. Some people may think badly that I excercised on his memorial day. The thing is I felt like if i didnt go today I may never bgo. It was exactly what I needed some time alone with God. it was probably hands down my best run ever. It helped give me confidence I will get through this all while God heals my heart and that I will finsih that race.

Thank you Jesus for the comfort and love only you can give

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

i found my why....

This is something I have been struggling with....why....why am I training for more races? I was asked this before my last triathlon & at the time I didn't know God slowly revealed to me the work he was doing. BUT the thing is I feel like it was done & I wasn't clear why I'm still training.
The obvious reasons is the health benefits & I actually enjoy it...but I was looking for this bigger spiritual meaning.
I may have mentioned in previous posts (& its not like all my "followers" aren't dear friends) but my brother was battling leukemia & lost that battle 12-13-2010 after just four months of illness. As soon as he got sick I knew it would be a motivation to race in his honor. I never expected it would be in his memory. The moment I finished signing up for the San Diego Rock n Roll marathon my mom contacted me & told me my brother's condition had taken a turn for the worse. The next night I offered to him to stay with him overnight. THANK GOD I did!!! My brother was a fighter!!! He was not ready to give up. I stayed up with him all night. I tried to help him get comfortable (which was impossible), wiped his constant bleeding nose, tried to keep him cool, listened to him struggle with every breath & try to explain me his delusions, all the while he was slowly declining. I know it was the hardest longest night of both our lives.
Everytime he woke up he called to me & I popped about endurance on both our parts. Finally he was ready & allowed the Drs to give him medicine to help him pass comfortably.
What I realized while being there with him was I had a lesson to learn & a purpose to gain.
I learned about courage, bravery, the true fighting spirit, & love! The last words we spoke to each other was "I love you" Thank you Jesus!
So now I get it...I had already been approached by several people that are running this race (1/2 & full marathon) to dedicate it to my brother OF COURSE! But now I know when I'm struggling through those miles that I have the example set by my brother! I know that nothing I experience the pain, exhaustion, emotions will ever compare to his fight. I will finish this race for him to honor his memory & the love he had for me & my kids & for the lesson he taught me.

Monday, December 13, 2010

my deleted blog

Gosh that was SO frustrating!!! The thing is it is totally my fault for writing my blog via blackberry. I do not like to get on my computer...I just seem to lose precious time when I get on there. So many distractions. It is wierd how I have to use every second of every day now as a single mom.
There still is not enough time to do everything. Its usually the cleanliness of my home that suffers (its not gross but definitely not ever as tidy as I prefer).
So what did I write about.
I wrote about what a fan of the Biggest Loser I am. That show has always inspired me! This is probably the first season I didn't watch every single episode while stuffing my face & actually am doing physical activity. I relate so much to what the contestants experience. The way they conquer challenges they never knew they could. They find strength within themselves. Most of all they have this mental/emotional transformation which is totally what I needed & experienced through my last tri. (God has given new purpose for my future races we will cover later).
Also watching the reunion episode when 33 past contestants did an olympic distance triathlon WOW!!! That is twice the distance I'm going! These are people who were HUGE & now they are triathletes!!! So amazing. Also each season they have the biggest loser marathon well now that I am doing my first marathon it really sucked me into their experience. To watch these contestants finish (most faster then I'm able) when only months earlier they were 100 pounds plus or minus heavier makes me see that all you need is the will to finish!
I remember in a past season watching one contestant swear they could not jump on a box step. Its a platform maybe 2 feet high & you jump both feet straight up onto it and down. This was me in boot camp!!! Something in me kept saying I can't! I was afraid I wouldn't clear the top & crash! 3 different times I just stepped up & down instead. All the while remembering watching the same this on BL. So finally the next time it was box jump time I just went for it & you know what I DID IT!!!!! It is an amazing feeling to overcome a fear & do something that previously you thought there was no way you could!
The other things I shared about was last week on run day we had a new guy. He was so chipper @ 530am & jazzed we were going for a run. He had on his race tee from whatever marathon he had done & to be honest was a fast runner....that is until a 1/2 mile into our run he hit a curb & went flying through the air & crashed down!!!! Everyone gasped. He popped back up & kept going (I'm sure embaressment fulled that). I kept thinking Jason our instructor was probably freaked out having someone hurt on his watch. The guy was a trooper finished the run & all of the work out. BUT he did live out my biggest fear falling on the first day of class. I still worry about falling but now everyone is my friend as I am a regular & it wouldn't be quite as embaressing!
I also shared about Friday mornings new person. Jason called her Sandy (turns out her name was Stacy-Jason felt bad). She was an older bigger lady I guess Jason knew her from the last weightloss challenge. She started out with us & as soon as the warm up was almost over she tried to leave! Jason went after her!!!! That would be so hard for me!! He brought her back & yelled no one let Sandy leave!!! He encouraged her to go at her own pace do what she can but stick with it! Most new people that hang around notice that all of us struggle through the workout ITS BOOT CAMP!!! I was so proud of her that she did it!!! Everyone cheered her on! I think everyone at one point was the new person & remembers what it was like I SURE DO!! I hope she comes back! I can see the progress I have made & also have made some friendships (mostly facebook friends).
I think that was about it! I'm going to go right into another blog but will shut this one down now....

Friday, December 10, 2010

smartphone blogging

I typed a GREAT blog covering so much that happened this wekk & accidently hit delete instead of post.....sigh
I hope I find the time & my memory allows me to repost it!!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Welcome to CRAZYTOWN

There is two parts to Crazytown....
my friend joined me for 5:30am Boot Camp today. On run day in less then 40 degree weather!!! So she joined all us crazy people!!!
The second part that is crazy is this woman I have watched transform herself (and her body) into a toned, tiny, amazing athlete said she had gotten into a rut for a few weeks and needed something to jump back into it and thought I know I will ask Katie.....WHAT?!?!?! Wow all I can say is that someone that I have looked up to and desired to follow in her lead joining me blew my mind.
Keep in mind even that she is still in much better shape than me so I explained before the run don't try to keep pace with me I am very slow. Just run your pace cause Jason peels back to get me (yes just me I told her). Lucky for her we did a flat 2 mile run (supposed to be quick but I slow the pace down). She of course ROCKED IT!! I was really tired today and had trouble getting going (plus it is COLD COLD COLD).
We got back to the gym and had plenty of time for drills. We did weights jump squats, front squats with press and rows. Then we did bands. I partnered with my friend and we did chest presses and then run backwards. The next drill was bear crawl and sprints. It was tough!!! Again she did awesome!!! It was a challenge for her but her fitness level is up there and she definitely held her own (and did better then me).
Then we did abs to end things off WHEW!!!
I definitely noticed a difference when I go work on less sleep. My shins felt much better today so it was probably good I took yesterday off. I think my insoles are helping too....although the tred on the bottom of my shoes is gone and I was sliding on the gym floor haha....
I'm praying for a "Christmas bonus" to get some much needed supplies, pay for races, the running club, etc
My friend said she will join me another run day!!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

when in doubt (or pain)...just swim

I spend a lot of time @ work doing gives me time to make lists, schedules, read (not a big reader), make crafty stuff (again don't really take advantage of this).
I did work out my new training schedule. It should work for now. Some things will have to change some down the road. I'm still hoping to join the running club through the YMCA to train for the marathon. I also wanna do this 6 wk weight loss challenge. If I get into those some changes will need to happen.
I'm trying to work a little less to leave more time for my kids & training & SLEEP
Today didn't go as planned. I got insoles for my shoes hoping they would prolong the life of my shoes & help my shin pain. I got to the tredmill & forgot my water bottle & headphones. I don't know why but stuff like that psychs me out. Then when I ran my shins just hurt. Could I have pushed myself & gotten it done? Yes...Did I? NO
I even had set out my gym stuff the night before & packed my swim stuff so I could swim after my run.
I bailed the tredmill after only .75 mile :-(
I did go get I'm my swim stuff on and did a half hour of laps. Swimming felt so good especially on my shins. At least I got a work out in.
I need to swim anyway I am so nervous about the swim in my next triathlon. Mostly getting back into the wetsuit!! I haven't had a successful wetsuit swim...its too constricting. Once you start to panic in the swim it all kinda falls apart...I know most of it is mental so I'm trying to thibk it all out & keep myself calm & confident about getting through the swim...
I think I can I think I can...

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Do u wear a headband when u run too!?

Today was the day I planned to do the big run of the week for marathon training. This week was a 3 mile run. Keep in mind I'm coming off of 3 days straight of boot camp. Need a refresher??? Wed was "run day" you know when we had to do the Goshen hill 3 times & the USD stairs! Then Thurs was the E hour boot camp. Then Fri I went to 530a boot camp...cause I didn't wanna skip it!!
So "the plan" was to get to the gym by 8am with the kids going to play @ Kids Place. In and out in 36 minutes.
Today didn't go as planned. I got up & moved from my bed to the couch. It's like Saturday morning was made for relaxing on the couch....or is that just me? So I'm catching up on The Biggest Loser...yes I'm watching a show where people are working out while I'm not getting ready for the gym.
Its time for me to be getting ready to go & I tell myself "you're sore","its cold", "you can count the run from the other day for today", "you have to work later".
Then I get a text from my marathon partner that she is heading to do the run. Hmmmmm I start to realize I suck if I don't go! I'm trying to figure out when I can get to gym, after work tonite, somehow tomorrow...then the solution hits me "turn off the tv, get up & go now!!!!"
There was enough time to go get it done right then if I just got off the couch to go.
I got up went, got the 3 miles done in & out! The best part was the picture I got from my marathon partner of her doing her run (she looked super cute) saying "Do u wear a headband when u run too!? Hahahaha". It made me laugh & smile & so glad she motivated me to get er done!!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving Day Boot Camp

OK first of all finally some pictures!!!! I never really feel like bringing a camera to boot camp was a good idea. I would have felt like a dork being the lamest person in class and trying to get pictures of me! The pictures are totally out of order AND I couldnt figure out how to rotate them and get them in order!

BUT this was a special occasion and I got everyone to get pictures too. I think Jason is gonna use them for his B3 Fitness company (this class today was through his business not the YMCA).
So 7am we all arrived and were freezing!!!!! We met right next to the zoo on the grass next to a junior high. Jason put us into 2 teams and gave up matching headbands. My team was the Flamers and we had flame headbands! The other team was the Cash Money Millionaires and had money banadanas. It was very Survivor/Biggest Loser style (loved that part). We set off on the run. I try not to go overboard on keeping up with the rest of the class. I know my pace and try to keep it....seriously some of these people run 6 minute miles!! I run 12 minute mile so why fight it hahaha
I dont know how far we ran but it seemed sooooo far!!!! We ran up and down some little hills on a trail to Balboa Park to the Juniper stairs. Jason says we are to run up and down the stairs as many times we can in 15 minutes. Each time we get to the top we get a stamp. The team with the most stamps would win. I have never done so many stairs...I did 4 times which was so HARD!!! Everyones legs were vibrating at the end!!! I think the guy that did the most did 8 times. After that we had to run all the way back the same way we came (I was sercretly hoping there was an alternate short cut back). Running with fatigued legs is so weird. I did it in both triathlons and the feeling was similar but way worse hahaha....probably doesnt help that yesterday was run day and we did Goshen and the stairs.
We got back and we split in the teams. We had to race against each other 2 at a time, the remaining team members had to alternate between push ups and burpees. I had nothing to give barely did something that resembled a push up or burpee. The racers had to flip a tire jump in it then out, then run around it and do it again. Straight until they reached the cone about 50 ft away (maybe longer), then drag the tire back for the next person to go.
The next drill there was a plastic saucer tied to 2 ropes with shoulder straps (I am describing this best I can). Each person would drag the smallest member of the team down and back to the cone, after everyone had gone the saucer people raced to the farthest cone and back. While waiting we had to do jumping jacks and if Jason caught anyone not jumping their team lost a point....I went first because the thought was the faster people would make up for my lameness...which actually worked we won both those drills.
The next drills was crazy! The one team had a bandana stuck in there pants and ran straight to the farthest cone, our team stood very far to the right and sprinted at an angle trying to reach the person before they reached the cone. It was pretty much impossible which I think was the point. I sprinted harder then I ever have in my life and didnt really gain any ground!!! IT was fun trying (I guess). When we switched it didnt really seem fair cause we were exhausted and seemed like we would get caughter for sure.
When it was my turn they put the strongest, fastest, gnarliest girl in class up against me...was it strategy or coincedence...I dunno. I didnt really care if I got caught I just new I was gonna do my best. READY...SET...GO I hauled butt (which who knows what that looks like in reality a fst jog LOL)...but I pushed and pushed AND BREATHED AND BREATHED and would you believe she couldnt catch me!!!!!!! I know she wasnt going easy on me I just DID IT!!! She even said good job!! I think everyone was surprised!!!
The last thing we did was just a race to one end and back. The first 3 people were the prize winners. 3rd place got Vegan cookies, 2nd a Tofurky and 1st place a 1 hour training session with Jason ($100 value). You will be happy to know I did not come in last....
Jason was so incouraging to me today. I tried to apologize a couple times and he said no your doing good. Im glad I came and even though I was so nervous I think I did well.
I relate today to the races a lot. It's about going further and further, pushing yourself and not quitting. The feeling afterwards is the same...I DID IT!!!
It's been a while since I've really gone outside my comfort zone. I was so happy going up those stairs when the Lord joined me again. It was just like when I was training for the tri and I was pushing past any and all limits....I asked for His strength and help and He did it. I was reminded of the personal trials I was going through 2 years ago at this time and how He carried me through them. I would never of expected to me to get through the personal trials I did back then it was truly God's hand that carried me through. I would prefer to never experience those kind of struggles again (no regrets because of the faith I gained then) but this now it a parallel that I welcome. Getting to that limit where you cant go any further on your own and crying out to God for help and He always answers.
So today I feel thankful for God's love, His faithfulness, His constant reminder of how He will always be there for me to carry me through lifes trials and struggles...that no matter what the obsticle I can get through it!!!
Thankgiving Day Boot Camp a success!!!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

the extra mile

I wish that I had an excuse for still being the biggest slowest person in my Boot Camp I want to blame it on lack of sleep. I do think I do better with more sleep BUT really I think I need more time...
I don't know that I can push myself to progress any faster...can I??? Today was run day: it was cold & wet from rain. I heard Jason tell one person we were doing an easy run...was it some sort of trick??? Cause once we got to the street he says "we are going up Goshen 3 times AND 1 set of stairs" I wanted to cry right there in the dark early morning hahaha.
In order to not totally put myself down I must say I did much better this time compared to last...meaning I was not completely dying, winded & out of breath by the time we just got to the bottom. I made it much further UP the hill before I was having difficulty moving my legs & catching my breath!! Because I am last Jason jogs beside me I HATE THIS!!! It makes me feel SO LAME!!! All he does is encourage me & push me along (verbally not physically). He didn't have me go all the way down the 3rd time. I'm happy with how I finished Goshen & even the stairs! I seriously felt like I had no get up & go @ the end...
We went back to the gym did some weights & abs. I was done!!! Even told a dude from class NO WAY I'm running today (he always sees me on the tredmill after class).
BUT as I was about to walk out of the gym I was like come on Katie at least try to do a run! & there was the dude from class I said "I am gonna run". He actually trains with Jason as his personal trainer after class!!!
I did my best mile ever hahahaha...wish it was my fastest! I think I didn't put a lot of pressure on myself to do it & that made it better in some way...
I'm sooooo nervous about Thansgiving Day Boot Camp tomorrow!!!!

im dating...

This is a tough post to write. I think partly because I've been in denial. I've been trying to ignore what is so obvious to me & that is really that I'm in love!
I think I'm ready to embrace the idea and share with everyone what's been going on a while now.
I think what final made me realize how serious this really is was the jealousy. I found myself being jealous when other people could spend time with Gym when I couldn't. Also when I was away from Gym I kept thinking when can I go back & spend more time with Gym. The way that Gym makes me feel is truly incredible!! Its a feeling I can't really explain...almost addictive!! Gym has so much to offer, not just for me but for my kids too! They love Gym as much as I do (just in a different way of course). Another big eye opener was that Friday I did two Boot Camps in the same day!!! I just knew that I was ready to tell the whole world!!! I LOVE GYM!!!!
There is just one thing, I'm scared Gym will eventually find out that I'm cheating on Gym and also having a long standing love affair with my bed....

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

your'e REALLY sweaty...

I'm almost beating myself up about it BUT I gave myself the day off today...
I did Zumba Saturday, went to Boot Camp Sunday morning (I had such a hard time with it cause I was SORE from Zumba!!) So come to Mondays Boot Camp and the little sleep I was going on I was struggling!!!
The warm up alone kicked my butt!!! We starting doing our drills & as I was coming back from my sidewinders I was barely making it hahahahaha (I have to laugh cause it was a sight I'm sure). The instructor says to me when I get back "are you ok??" "Yeah" I say. He replies "cause you're sweating....A LOT"....
OH MY GOSH!!!! I didn't know what to say hahahahahaha let's just laugh again
I'm a real sweaty person in general & if you're interested my face gets beat tomato red too!!
I don't think those facts will change but let's hope in time I won't be so lame in class that it is cause for concern by the instructor. :-)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

triple training...

Today I am going re-evaluate my training schedule. One problem is I'm not sticking to the plan exactly.
I'm training for my next triathlon, the marathon & my boot camp obsession...
I realized rather then swim for a certain distance I wanna set a time goal. I was thinking if I'm able to swim for an hour or longer even. When it comes time to swim the 750 yards in the race being able to swim more time then it takes to finish that part should help.
I'm so anxious about swimming in a wetsuit. Both times I swam in one I had somewhat of a panic felt constricting. In reality wetsuit loosen up when you get in the water. So it is totally mental. I keep praying that by the time my next race comes I will be ready to do it mentally. I hope to buy a wetsuit so I can practice in it to.
So I hope to swim 2 times a week. Bike once, and run 3 times. With one rest day. I don't want to quit doing bootcamp. I feel like the strength I'm building is really gonna help. Also the mental aspect of pushing myself & going further each time AND not quitting!!!
I was watching multiple episodes of biggest loser and that is one thing (besides the way they eat) that I think they are taught.that you can do anything you put your mind to.
So much of this & life is mental. It is amazing to me what I can accomplish in the gym, the challenges I can conquer, the determination & drive!!! Yet in life especially what I eat I mess up. This morning I was telling my self what a difference I see in my body. On Friday I went to a work party & my go to black dress was too big!! I HAD to where a smaller size dress that I wore before I got pregnant with my son (8 years ago)!! Why I hung on to a dress that was too small for 8 years is beyond me haha BUt good thing I did. When I went to the party people's jaws literally dropped. Which shows 2 things one I must look real terrible @ work hehe and two that the hard work is paying off. BUT yes there is a HUGE BUTT....MINE!!! I still weigh the exact same amount. It is so mentally defeating to constantly see the same number. It is a true testament to how important diet is to weightloss I guess.
I'm not gonna lose focus of my triumphs and let a # get me down. I'm just wish I could take that willpower out of the gym and into the rest of my life.
I had an awesome 3.5 mile run yesterday! Then hit up Zumba class. I will tell you that zumba hit some muscles I had NOT been using and I was sore & tired today! I did go to Sunday Xam Boot Camp for the first time BUT it was a tough one being worn out from yesterday!
This was a LOOOONG all over the place post....sorry :-)
I guess I will talk about my shin & shoe problems another time hehehe

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

& in boot camp news....

I could honestly post about every workout. BUT I don't for a couple reasons #1 I will promise myself I will make the time to jot down a post & like gets in the way #2 while I feel like every day there is some challenge or triumph to share about I feel it get repeatitive & boring for my followers (or follower if it is just Elizabeth still hanging around hahaha).
I did have a couple little tidbits I did want to share.
First of all simultainiously training for a triathlon, a marathon, continuing boot camp/power hour classes, while working, homeschooling & having a life IS HARD!!
My plan for now has been to run or bike or swim after classes. The problem is after BC (boot camp) I'm so exhausted the furthest I ran was .75 mile!
Ideally I guess I should stop BUT I can't its like I'm hooked. I did attend a different boot camp this Monday AND was able to get my scheduled 1.5 mile run in after. This BC was not as hard as the one I normally & quite honestly was borderline ridiculous & dangerous! I know she doesn't normally run these drills because all the regulars in class said so.
After warm up she had us get in groups of 4. The first drill we were to race back & forth across the room taking turn carries the teammates. Then we did piggy back races. Next we had one person sit on a towel and the partner would drag them across the floor. The final drill was wheel barrow. I figured I could easily walk on my hands with all the bear crawls I do now. I made it about half way across the floor and what stopped me was actually excrutiating back pain!!! I could not believe how bad it hurt!!! My back was all jammed up & I will tell you that is scary!!! One of my biggest fears is an injury.
I am facing a small injury right now. Shin splints (that is my self diagnosis). I'm hoping with some proper stretching and icing after work outs I can keep up with the schedule & recover ok.
I KNOW the culprit has to be my shoes!!! They have too many miles on them. The problem is new shoes cost money and well I just don't have that kind of money right now.
We will see how it goes with provision for shoes, gear & races fees the next month or so....
I did have one more training day to brag about. Last friday I went to both AM & PM boot camps with Jason. He says "it works...two-a-days". I'm definitely down to do it again it my schedule allows! & I think he was pretty impressed that the big, slow chick from the morning class came back hahahahaha

i miss the summer....

I'm finding a HUGE difference having to train during the school year compared to in the summer.
The other challenge is just the plan fact that I work evenings. If I didn't work and/or have the time constraints of getting school done before work things would be different.
I can not guarantee school will be done each day with enough time for me to work out, shower, make meals, and truth be told nap before woek. What is helping is getting up @ 5am getting to the gym & being home & showered before the kids get home. The only problem with this time frame is I work until 12:30am so I'm going on 4 hours sleep. Most days I can pull it off....
BUT the morning usually goes like this:
1am crawl into bed (my thoughts: am I really setting my alarm for 4 hrs from now?)
5am alarm goes off, I lay in bed for a moment (my thoughts: I debate in my head the option to 1. Snooze 2. Go back to sleep 3. Get up & go. I begine to mentally run through any and all excuses to not go then combat them with the known fact that if I go shortly after arrival I will be wide awake, while it will be tough for a while I will feel AWESOME after, my work out will be DONE for the day).
Well I will be adding to this the fact that if I don't go I will be disappointed in myself, feel defeated, guilty and just plan mad @ myself!
This is what happened today. The excuses won & I didn't go to the gym @ 5am. Eventually after school, my sons bowling league and lunch I made it to the gym with enough time to run 3miles @ my 5mi/hr pace race home shower & leave for work very RUSHED!
I am so glad I didn't skip out all together but learned a lesson! Don't put off what you can get done @ 5am until later!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Pick up the PACE

Well I have officially started my marathon training! The schedule is a 30 week plan that would actually begin next Monday BUT I tacked on an extra week.
I have made a schedule that includes my Boot Camp & Power Hour classes, followed by my run (except on Boot Camp run day). Or a swim, or bike ride. I am trying to get the circuit/strength training in there with my race training. In the beginning the distance is so minimal it should work.
The other thing I am doing is from the start right now increasing my run pace! I was always running at 4.5 miles per hour. I really believed that was it, all I had & I couldn't go faster.
I don't know if it is because my fitness improved or mentally I changed my mind BUT I ran a mile after class Monday @ 5 miles per hour and today I ran 1.5 miles @ that pace.
My motivation is strictly the marathon! I know the faster I run the faster I will be DONE!!!
I was amazed at how easy it was for me to run faster when I just put my mind to it!

Never in a million years would I have pictured these classes, these races would be so important or enjoyable to me but it really IS!!!

I thank God for giving me something I can have for myself that makes me feel the way this does :-)

Friday, October 29, 2010

Quitting Boot Camp

Well something happened today that surprised me!
I went to Boot Camp & as usual there were a few newbies (or at least new faces to me). Sometimes there has been returning regulars so I never know until someone confirms.
Warm up today was normal torture then he had us get Bosu balls. We were doing burpies then lifting the ball over head with a high jump. 2 minute intervals with 30 second rest inbetween. After the first set one of the newbies subtly slipped out of class!!! I don't know who if anyone besides me say him bail. I thought 2 things 1 I can't believe he quit! And 2 I'm so proud of myself that I've never given up!
I've said before that people have come & not returned but seeling someone actually bail shocked me!
Today was the instructor birthday and after watching him torture people with extra push-ups, high jumps & clappers the class tried to coax him into something anything & he got away with doing nothing! Hahahaha

Even though last week I made it to 5 workouts I'm still happy that I got to power hour twice & boot camp twice!
Monday I was exhausted from wedding festivities & a 12 hour shift the day before that!
What is so cool with each work out is the progress I am making. In fact just the getting outta bed to go each time is making me feel impressed. It is so hard especially now that its dark and cold @ 5am to get up & go. The mental battle is an everyday thing! BUt once its over or in those moments when I'm doing more than I did the last time I FEEL INCREDIBLE!
This week we went back to the beggining and did the same run we did my very first boot camp. I did WAY more this time then I did when I started. What a gauge of how far I've come. What isn't a good gauge (well its accurate sadly) is the scale! I haven't lost one pound. I need to work on what I eat!
Next week I plan to start the running training in addition to my classes . It is a good time to revamp the diet AGAIN!
There is a few people from class that are on the tredmill or eliptical before or after class (some both)! I will be joining those ranks! One day a week I am gonna try to hop in the pool after class as well.

On a side note: I decided what to be for Halloween!!! A triathete hahahahaha :D

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Showdown @ Sundown

It is official! I am signed up for my next race! It is March 26, 2011 at Lake Las Vegas.
To be honest I was hesitant to sign up. I wonder if I can do it. Yes I realize I have already done this before. But for some reason it doesn't seem possible the fact that I have already done 2 races is some sort of fluke. I have a water bottle from the last race that says triathlete and I swear I feel like a fraud using it.
The final push to take the leap was my cousin from Colorado. She is doing the same race we will be meeting up there after probably 20 years!
The hard part now is going to be working training for triathlons & the marathon into my schedule. AND I still wanna do Boot Camp!! I can't help it I actually love it now!!!
I made a plan that in theory should work for a while until sessions get longer. So I just have to see what happens!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

same ol' same ol'....

I didn't blog last week about my workouts because I feel it is getting kinda repeatitive. I did get to boot camp Mon. Wed & Fri last week. I think that is the first time I didn't have other stuff going on or was too sore or lazy!
Wed. on run day we had to do the toughest run yet We had to go up Goshen that crazy huge hill that I barely survived getting up one time that one day we had to go up 3 times!!! I can't run up it but I did get up it 2 times. The instructor told me & the other 2 girls that bring up the end with me Crystal and this older gal. To stop after too (so we wouldn't hold up the class) I turned around and went up a 3rd time just until the last person was headed back down (about 1/4 of the way up).
On Friday I was gonna try to do double up on class and go to the evening session too.
Then my friend called & she was injured and couldn't race in her super sprint triathlon Sunday & asked me to fill in.
I decided not to go back in case I made myself so sore I couldn't move on Sunday. Turns out I couldn't fill in for her in the race legally. I was bummed cause I had really wanted to do this one but couldn't afford it.
I struggle so much getting up to go to class. This Monday was no different! I lay in bed wanting to sleep, telling myself I will be glad I did when it is over. I got up went & there was a sign on the door class was cancelled!!! BUMMER! I tried to do the tredmill but seriously barely lasted 20minutes! Remember when I was on it for hours before hahaha!
Since I did not get a good work out Monday I committed (in my brain) to do Tue 530a power hour. I had only made it to the class one time before and was sore for days after! Usually I am so sore from Boot Camp the thought of power hour is not possible. There is this one tiny strong chick who goes to both & is insanely amazing! She was there & is like a rockstar! She bumps up everything the instructors do with an extra jump or leg lift or more resistance. I hope someday I'm that fit!
The class used the bosu ball. It was challenging, different & fun! I could really tell how far I have come physically going back now & being able to get through the class much stronger then before.
Went back to boot camp today & Jason was sick again! Only this time everyone that was there decided to go for a run together. Wish I had asked where first...cause up Goshen we headed!!! The leader of the pack ran with me at the bottom of the hill pushing me so hard. If I walked he squalked & said if you run I will shut up! Its much better when I am quiet. He said its mental your body can do this just move it will do it! He said you have to run up or you will never be able too, your using different muscles...
I wonder if it is all true? The part where if I ran he shut up was ;) I pushed myself so much harder becuase of him though! I have got to remember my inhaler on run days though!!
So then @ the top of Goshen they headed over to the stairs @ USD WHAT?!?! Leader guy said go as slow as you want but no slow I did go! They all went twice! I know I will get there someday (I hope). It does get old being the slow fat girl everytime! Although to my credit there have been new people almost every week that come once & don't seem to return!
When we got back to the gym a few of us did some abs. It was kinda cool to still get in a workout & that all these people are so nuts we gotta boot camp with or with out Jason!
So here is what is new and exciting for me coming up...
I had wanted to do the Carlsbad WGE marathon BUT it sold out! I was very bummed as I wanted to do the triple crown series (it is a series of 3 half marathon that if you complete in one year you get a special medal).
I had convinced my friend (shout out to Elizabeth) to join me. She threw out the idea of doing the full marathon. With only 12 weeks to train I said not a good idea BUT we could train for F months & do the Rock N Roll...her answer only if we do the full marathon not half. A girl after my own crazy heart! So it was settled! (As long as it doesn't sell out before I can sign up). That is in June we are following a 30 week training plan and I'm excited to have a goal race ahead. I also am hoping to be able to afford to meet up with my cousin from Colorado @ the Showdown @ Sundown sprint triathlon in Vegas is March. I was assured by my ironman mentor I can train for both at the same time. I also plan to repeat the May sprint tri in Mission Bay I did last year & the Tri rock in Sept. I'm nervous about only coming up with the money for the race fees, new shoes & a new bike. That is the only hurdle in my way cash haha!
I'm looking forward to further documenting my journey this year. My ultimate goal is still Lavaman but I'm shooting for 2012 :)

Friday, October 8, 2010

she's got abs!!!!

So I ended up having a rough week since Monday's boot camp. I did swim on Tues and hit the jacuzzi BUT my hamstrings seemed to get more & more sore! I could hardly walk!
I was in no shape to go to boot camp Wed. morning :( it was supposed to be run day but it was raining so I assumed there would be no run outside.BUT with the soreness there is no way could have done class.
That is a really weird long way of saying I ditched class...
Wed was a rough day on the home front I had a day off & ended it with a horrible migraine :(
Thurs was supposed to be our last Disney trip before our passes expire. Between the rain, my leg pain & migraine I wanted to cancel. I woke up Thurs with my headache very mild, my legs still aching. I ended up getting my kids Dad to come with us to Anaheim. He took the kids on the rides & I took it easy & walked slowly around the park. I'm glad my kids got to go and by the end of the day I felt better.
So today I had to get back on it. My legs felt just a tiny sore so I figured I could push through any pain. Wouldn't you know run day was moved to today. We did 4 miles!! & yes I was slow & yes everyone had to run back to me :( my boot camp friend Crystal ran with me at least. We did abs when we got back. I was so discouraged after the run I felt like the instructor was gonna tell me I'm not cut out to be in class. That I should not come back.
Then as we started sit ups, something amazing happened! I could do sit ups!!! Hahahaha. I did more then I'd ever done! I could feel the strength in my abs! I could totally tell the difference!
I'm excited to keep going & getting better & stronger!!!
No race plans yet BUT I swear I am making a decision SOON!!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Ok so my plan is to be do more than just boot camp 3 days a week. BUT I'm so sore inbetween & TIRED I haven't been doing anything else. I guess I get busy too. Noooo I can't use that as an excuse cause I was just as busy during my race training and made it to the gym.
I have to have my sitter stay over Sundays nights because I have my kids. It is not cheap so I suppose I'm definitely committed & dedicated. It actually helps so much having my workout & shower done before the kids get up. Leaves plenty of time for school, errands, napping, etc.
So this Monday my buddy from clas wasn't there. We did the normal warm up of lunges, kicks, crawls back & forth across the gym. That in itself exhausts me!!! Its so hard!!! I want to get pictures at some point. Then we did weight. Everyone got a weight bar & these people piled on the weight! I put 10 lbs on each side of the bar. I know better then to go big! So we did jumping squats with the bar behind our shoulders. For 1 minute intervals for 3 sets! Then we did forward squats with a press. (Hard to describe & I dropped 10 lbs before this one. This stuff is NOT EASY! I am really pushing myself beyond anything I have ever done. Then we got those bands. This newer older lady partnered up with me. We were to do 3 clappers ( a push up with a clap inbetween) 3 high jumps then sprint across the gym. The partner was supposed to help with the clap by pulling up on the bands. Yeah my partner was NOT helping so I was NOT clapping AND.... The teacher came over and yelled at me!!!! He said "everyone does clappers!! You can do this!!" He grabbed the bands & made me do them!!! We did some arm workouts with the bands then abs. While it is all hard I'm doing more & more each time before I feel like stopping or that I will die!
Today though my legs were sooooo sore UGH! I was so determined not to let it stop me though. I got up & went to swim laps! Not very many maybe 500 yards but I hit the jacuzzi too! I felt like I pulled a muscle getting out of the pool & for a second was worried but it feels ok! Tomorrow is run day so I'm hoping & praying! I'm ready!

Friday, October 1, 2010

bear crawling

Yesterday I was thinking about a swim BUT the fact that it was my birthday I gave myself the day off :-)
It was a nice day BUT I ended up not getting to bed until 330a. I set the alarm for 5a still planning on doing Boot Camp.
I did I got up & went with no sleep.
I figured if I couldn't make it I sound always just leave.
I'm not gonna go in to details about the drills cause it would be repeatition.
The thing that was today was when I did the bear crawls it was easier!! Just a little but that is progress!!
It was probably the toughest work out yet!
I'm excited to keep going & seeing things get easier & me get prettier:)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

i hate boot camp......i love boot camp

I did not want to get up after 4 hours of sleep & go to boot camp today. I knew that having not done ANY physical activity for A WHOLE WEEK & the terrible eating habits I continue to have I knew it was gonna be tough!
I got up made my protein shake & headed off. I kept reminding myself I would be glad I went AFTER!
Got to class knowing it was "run day" & thinking the odds of it being the flat run were slim.
My boot camp buddy Crystal was there & I told her how concerned I was. She said the hill run I experienced before was not the worst! Goshen she said was HARDER! I knew today would be Goshen. Sure enough it was :( Goshen is not as long as the other hill but steep and it sort of has 3 levels.
I didn't make it too far up it before I had to walk. NOTE TO SELF: get inhaler & bring to boot camp. I was breathing so hard!!! Then we ran to the stairs that nearly killed me @ first BC. & he said 3 sets?!?! I crawled up on time & back down. Pulled myself up a second time by the railing & didn't make a 3rd trip.(I was mad I quit & told myself never again-even is I die of asthma or puke)!!
Then we ran down the hill back to the gym & did drills & abs!!
Eventually I will get pictures somehow because I don't know how to describe all we do!
I really pushed myself! I'm definitely giving my all to this for 6 months! I know it is gonna help me with my triathlons!
About that tri-kate is gonna announce her next race soon! My cousin in Colorado (shout out) also races she sent me a list of her plans for the year. I am going to pick one of those to join her AND some local sprints. Also while I thought the 2011 lavaman olympic distance was in my future I think this next year will be about improving my sprint times then 2012 I will join Team in Training & go for it!! That is my plan now we will see how life reveals God's plan!!

i haven't blogged for a week!!!!!

Well it has been a week since I posted an update! The unfortunate thing about that is I haven't worked out for a week!!! :( last Wednesday's boot camp was my last workout. I left Thurs for a little weekend getaway to Palm Desert. I had hoped & intended to workout while away BUT it just didn't happen. I tried one morning to hit the gym & I just couldn't muster up the energy.
So in 4 hours I plan to get up & get back on it & go to THIS WEDNESDAY'S boot camp....

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

im in pain! serious unexplainable pain!

So I have now learned it is not just about surviving Boot Camp class & the asthma attack that follows BUT you also must survive the unimaginable pain that follows!
The whole day after I was sore all over! My knee was hurting (I was limping). I kept trying to walk around, stretch and keep from getting stiff.
About the knee thing...that same knee would hurt from time to time during my training. It always seemed to go away (as it did this time) I imagine 6 or so years from now it will be the knee that needs surgery or replacement when I'm much older!
I knew there was no way I was doing the power hour class Tues! I planned to go to the pool for early morning laps. Seemed like. A good way to get loosened up, get a light cardio workout! The part of the plan where I failed was setting my alarm OOPS!
I went easy on myself & took the day off! I could not take my shirt off with out pain! I was so uncomfortable at work! Every move of my upper body resulted in pain! I was very close to tears! Somewhere during my sleep I finally felt some relief (thank you God for answering my middle of the night prayer).
Today was a different story! Its Boot Camp wednesday RUN DAY! I have not forgotten the run last week that nearly killed me! I did not sleep well at all! So when 5am came it was an epic battle of self talk! I could stay in my wonderful bed & sleep! But if I get up and go I will be so glad I did after! Everything still hurts from Monday what if it hurts too bad & I can't do it. I knowledge that if I don't keep going it is not gonna get easier won out!
I did make a protein shake on my way out the door. Protein & glutamine was recommending to aid with recovery which my mix has in it.
So todays run was a flat 2 miles. Everyone runs so fast! I can only keep my pace that I know and love! My partner from Mondays class (crystal) stayed with me. I was still dead last except for one lady who was new & dropped back a few times. We got back to the gym with 40minutes left to get our boots kicked!!!!!
This portion of the class was very similar to Mondays class! We did knee raises & butt kicks back & forth across the gym followed by drills with out partner.
We did arm pulls with the bands (partner holds for resistance), then drag them across the gym. We did that 2 times! Then a row then drag 2 times! My arms finally were feeling a little better and this totally was wiping them out!
Then we did push ups followed by crab crawls back & forth!
Next we grabbed a weight bar & did squat jumps back and forth again I was so slow & challenged everyone was watching & waiting for me. I did sort of a hallf-ass job at all the drills! I know they say push through the pain but I really did all I could muster up! Then we did that frog, plank hop thing that killed me Monday!!! I barely could move!
Next he said OK we are doing suicides! REALLY!!! Something called suicides?!?! Its totally officially true you HAVE to be insane to do this!!!
Suicides are sprints back and forth from blocks on the floor. You run to the closest one and back, then the next furthest and so on. It was a race & the first five teams back were free. Free from what? Well I found out about lumber jacks, push ups and luckily the third round we didn't finish last!
Then it was 12 minutes of abs. A lot of people left @ 630a even though class goes until 640a. I must sat a lot of people we sitting between drills (one dude was laying down). It is not just tough for me this stuff is gnarly!!
My partner left and I stayed and made my best pathetic attempt @ abs.
Stretching & class dismissed!
I am glad I went! Even though my whole upper body hurts! I know that as I keep going I will find the drills become easier & I will be faster! I also dream of being lighter and looking better!
I'm making a mental commitment to go for 6 months & see what happens! As I left class today I was thinking what a better triathlete I will be if I am stronger, leaner and more fit!!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Boot Camp 2

The first hurdle I had was how to go to a 530am class when there is no childcare @ gym until 8am & the kids are with me not their Dad. The thing with going to the gym before the kids are dropped off or in this case wake up is it leaves the rest of my day for homeschool & everything else I got going on! AND I wanted to see what this class was all about since my first experience was "run day". Class starts out with a jog in a circle around the gym. Then a grapevine or crossover/behind back and forth about 6 times. Then a weight bar os grabbed & one row of lunges, followed by a row of running with the bar about your head (again 6 lengths of gym total). Next was a crawl on hands and legs, followed by kicks back and forth across. Then everyone did jumping jacks until everyone was done. THIS was the WARM UP!!!!!!!!
I was ready to walk the heck outta there declaring boot camp is NOT for me!!!
These boot camp people are so fit! They do this stuff with such ease (there were a few new people like me BUT I was definitely the most over weight and slowest of all).
So then we partnered up and did push-ups with a hand clap with our partner inbetween, followed by dips on the stage! This was so hard my arms felt like they would fall off!!
Next we lined up and did 5 push ups followed by some sort of frog hop things then jump as far as you can. This was VERY challenging for me & I was well behind everyone else. So everyone finished as I was struggling with my set. So they were all WATCHING ME & WAITING!!! My back is to them thank God. But I can't imagine what I looked like from that angle! The whole class actually cheered me on as I struggled and struggled wo the end. I must say the courage to do this comes only from God because not for a second did I worry about the embaressment & just focused on doing my best! The next drill used bands and the partner holds you back and you shuffle sideways back and forth! Next the partner holds the bands as you crawl across and then sprint back as they pull against you 2 times!! The next one was a side crawl on all fours back and forth which I skipped cause I was too wiped out.
Then we worked on abs! We did 2 one minute intervals of sit ups, then 2 one minutes intervals of side to side leg lifts, then one interval of lay on your back and lift your whole body to shoulder up.
And that was it class over & time to stretch WHEW
This was hands down the hardest class I have ever taken BUT I LOVED IT! I'm very proud of how I did! I am definitley going to go back! I think my new goal is going to be to master boot camp & power hour!
I know this will definitely take me to a new level! I just wish I could eat better I bet I would drop weight like no ones business!!
Tomorrow: 5:30a power hour!!!

im declaring myself totally insane!!!

As I write this I am still recovering from an asthma attack. I have not had this happen since I played competitive soccer as a kid!! After Wed. Boot Camp run I woke up Thurs no where near as sore as I expected (oh I was sore BUT still mobile). So up @ 5am & off to the Thurs 530am Power Hour class I went. I knew I was in for a tough time. The class consisted of a aerobic class style warm up, then intervals of jump rope and kickboxing with resistance bands. I am so uncoordinated & have no balance. I could not actually jump rope so as the instructor had given the option to hop around swinging the rope on your side...I did. We would jump at our pace for 50 seconds, then 10 seconds warp speed. We did this for like 3 minutes then went into the boxing with resistance bands. It was so hard to get good form for me. I just did what resembled what the others were doing. Some of these chicks are amazing. The hardest part was the actual kicks with the bands. She has us loop the band around our foot then balance on the other leg and do side kicks or front kicks & knee lifts. I couldn't keep my balance AT ALL. I know everyone starts somewhere & no one is watching me to see how lame I am but I felt like an idiot!!!
The truth is I realized had I not done the training for my race I wouldn't even be in good enough shape for these classes (even though the schedule says all levels). & I love the challenge! Pushing myself harder than I think I am capable!
Friday I was definitely feeling the PAIN!! I had not planned to work out as I was going fishing with my son :D my favorite hobby in the whole world!! Someday I am gonna blog about fishing too! I found that the best thing for my sore muscles was lots of stretching and moving. Anytime I stayed still I would get stiff & sore!
Saturday morning presented a challenge! #1 it was the first morning all week I slept past 500am #2 I was still sore #3 I didn't wanna get outta bed #4 I had to do laundry, pick up the house, and get my meals ready for work. The kids were gone which means sleeping in was my BEST option as there would be NO interuptions!!
Instead I devised a plan! I put the laundry in the wash, rode my bike to the pharmacy & back to get a prescription I needed. (Probably only a 10min ride total). Came home put my stuff in the dryer & went for a run (about 2 miles). It helped so much with the soreness to get out and move! I stretched a lot at work afterwards.
Sunday I also took off. Between church & work there was just no time. And I am totally ok with that!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

OK back to work!!!

Monday the day after the race I thought I was gonna be immobile. I expected to be so sore but I wasn't! I had some soreness in the back of my legs and a little in my shoulders but I got out and did errands. I worked Monday night with no real aches or pains. I did not go work out Monday but I think I deserved and earned a day off.
So Tuesday while part of me wanted to continue with the time off I got up and headed to the pool. I figured it would get everything all loosened up and I really want to spend a lot of time swimming so that next race I can blow through the swim part.

Today was another story. All along during my training I have seen the classes at the gym that look so fun and challenging. I actually took on when I was training for the Sprint Tri. The problem was I was so sore after that I couldn't train for 3 days after. So I have been so scared to go to one of the classes. Also I must admit it is kinda tough going into these classes alone.

There are a few different classes I wanted to try. Total Body Workout, Sport Drills, and Boot Camp.
This morning at 5:30am was the boot camp. These classes are so different then the endurance training I have been doing. So I did not go into this thinking it was gonna be a walk in the park. I also had to leave work early last night so I could get a little more sleep.
I got to the class and the 2 dudes there said you here for boot camp? Yes are you the instructor? No they laughed...I said it was my first time. They said Wed. they go for a run outside. I was so starting to consider bailing haha. They said don't worry its not that hard core. Uh well I just did a triathlon so I had to run. They were like or a tri oh you are hard core.
No boys no I am not...I thought

So everyone arrives and EVERYONE knows each other and they all start stretching out. So I stretch out. The instructor arrives (hello beautiful man) and says ok lets go!! Everyone goes outside he says we are going down the street up the hill and then a set of stairs and back. I will pick up the fast people and go back for the slow people. (I think to myself HUH?). I quickly began to fret and worry cause I know I am a slow runner and these are boot camp people...sigh.
As I exit the gym he sees me and I am sure realizes I am new and says "you look worried" I agree "I am"

So the group sets out running and I am infact dead last and behind the group. Pick up means the people running in the front/fastest turn around and run back to the last person (me) and then turn around and run again. This goes on until the bottom of the hill. It is a huge hill OH MY WORD I think I may die trying this!!!! I have never ran up a hill like this in my life!!! I get like a quarter of the way up and start walking. UH OH here come the pick up line, I start running just so I don't #1 look stupid for walking and #2 make them all pissed I am so slow and behind.
I walked (as quickly as I could) up the hill and as everyone reached the top the instructor runs back to me and encourages me and says you got some shuffle in you. I do and I run to the top (you can really call what I do running hehe>
Then the group heads down hill (not steep like the one we just came up) to the stairs....
again I am trailing behind. At the base of the stairs waits the instructor. He says ok lets do this. I start out with some hussle which quickly leaves me as I can barely drag myself up the stairs. At the last two my legs like quit for a second and I growled this strange noise and he says "are you gonna puke?" (thinking I probably am close to that point). So then he tells everyone walk for one minute. Then the group jogs down the rest of the hill back to the gym and I trot behind. They are still "picking up" slow poke kate.
One chick even says don't worry I know you feel like we are all mad at you but we aren't I felt that way when I started. And everyone was very kind and encouraging the whole time. Each time they would come to pick me up and run past they would say good job, etc.
So then when we got back to the gym instructor says grab a partner we have 5 minutes for abs. How did I end up not getting a partner...kinda like last one picked in gym class huh.
The instructor had to come stand on my feet while I did cruches. I am not a cruch girl just about died. Then he sent a girl over for the second ab drill that was lay down and pull your feet up to the other person who would push them down and have to pull the legs up again.
Then class was over. Everyone again was very nice. I recognized two of the chicks from high school so I went and chatted with them. They encouraged me to come back.

The thing that is pretty cool is even though it was so hard. I loved the challenge! I will go back! I want to get better at this! I can tell you what this is the kind of stuff that will destroy those curves of mine for sure...that is if I could stop eating all the wonderful food I love so dearly!
Until I get the plan of action for the next race I will be bouncing around to all these classes kicking my own butt!!!

After the Race

So what happens next for Tri-Kate????
I was pretty sure that I would only want to keep going farther and do a longer Olympic Distance next....well I think what I learned is that what I should do is improve my sprint distance first. I definitely want to keep doing races and I think build up until I am finishing a sprint with everyone else not after them!
I haven't found the next race yet but I will.

So to finish up the personal journey I was also on. I think what I found through all this is myself again. As I said before I came out of my marriage pretty messed up and definitely felt like a lot of what I thought was my life was myth and lost a huge sense of my identity. I even said on more then on occasion I was treding around in murky waters trying to find a grasp on a way out and to find myself. I definitely had very low self esteem and not much self worth.
God had given me the verse Psalm 147:3 He heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds, a very long time ago. I honestly at the time was in so much emotional pain I can't even begin to explain or currently phathom what it was like. I really never believed that the way I felt would change.
Before I started the training God had definitely started a work in me. He kept telling me over and over that I was so beautiful to Him. Ok so I got that message and really let go of any hang ups I had about how I looked (remember I am a curvy girl).
So maybe I needed that confidence to not care about getting in spandex and going to the gym.
The next thing was the worship. When I was working out I was listening to worship for hours and hours, and praying finally talking to Him again. Not that I totally stopped but I would say our reletionship had been very strained. Those times when I was alone (in a gym full of people or at the lake or bay or around my neighborhood) He washed away the pain, He binded up my wounds. I slowly started to have my joy back. I started to just have life back in me.
It seems so deep the way I write it and odd to me because I don't think I even realized what was happening inside me during it all. I just know at some point I stopped crying as much all the time, and being sad about my losses. Hope for my future took place of it. Pride and my worth in Him rose to the surface of all the lies.
I think people that knew me well before during and after would testify that something happened in me through this that was a miracle. I am lively, happy and totally feel like myself but a new self :)

Race day continued....

The swim course was out a very short distance then, left to a second buoy, then left and straight in!! To me is seemed so long!!! WOW that is 500 yards I theory I should be able to do this!! I trained and swam farther then 500 yds twice a week for over a month now!
So the horn went off and I went for it!!
I started my swim off so strong! My thought was-holy cow I am doing this!!! I was breathing and swimming so well!!! The water was green and it wasn't clear but it wasn't like I expected at all. I kept swimming and made it around the first buoy very strong. I headed toward the second buoy and about midway I stopped. I was bumping the chick swimming in front of me and it was sort of distracting me. The bummer is just like in running when I stop it is hard to get going and get a groove going again. My swim buddy the whole time was so encouraging and talking me through each stroke. I starting swimming head out of water and was getting tired and out of breath. I got around the second buoy and swim buddy says see it is just straight in from here!!! The straight in was sooooo far!!! I was already so tired! I decided to flip over and do the backstroke. It helps for some reason to be on your back and it feels like you cover more distance faster. So everytime I flipped back over and tried to freestyle I wasn't putting my face in the water. Which seriously slows you down. Then about half way through the straight away I stopped and the panic set in. Geez swimming is sooooo mental!! I was having trouble taking a deep breath and catching my breath. I need to find out if the lungs expand while swimming and that is why the wetsuit feels like it gets more restrictive OR if it is just in my head! I told my swim buddy and she said she was allowed to loosen the zipper if I wanted. YES!!! It helped a bit but at this point when I tried to back stroke I was having difficulty breathing...Oh MY Gosh!!! So I continued to freestyle head outta water. The swim finish was getting closer but seems soooo hard to gain ground...then I got closer and closer and I swear by the time I was yards away I was practically dog paddling the last few feet. My swim buddy was great! She wished me luck told me I did great (little white lie) and then the crazy part was we had to climb outta the water on to the stairs and go up and out of the bay. There was these nice men there part of the race crew to help. My nice man literally had to heave me out of the water as the first step was a tad to high for me to get and I was sooooo tired hahaha.
So I went up the stairs and started to peel my wetsuit off (how triathlete of me hehehe) ran well jogged to the bike transition area. I was so out of breath. I threw on my pants with out dying off too much. really what I wanted to do is sit down on the floor and leisurely but my socks and shoes on and take break. I instead dried off my feet and got those socks on and my shoes with elastic shoelaces (which are the BOMB). I had this top that doubles as a bra/tank. I stuggled to get it on over my wet suit and it definitely slowed me down. Once I got it on I threw my tank top on with my number attached to it. Got my helmet on and ran out with my bike. At the start line there was a jam up of people getting on the bikes. UGH I finally got across the line and took off for the second leg.
I was sooooo out of breath!! There was so many people headed in the opposite direction finishing their bike leg. That is that bad part of starting in one of the last waves I think. Especially when slow like I am. I head down Harbor Dr. it is not the best paved road (ew) and the first thing is a bridge that goes up and I was struggling. Then I coasted down the other side and got a drink of water...ahhhhh. Time to do this Kate!!! I pedaled and pedaled wondering and thinking how far have I gone. I was just so wanting to see a mile marker to gauge how far I had gone and how far from the half way point. Finally a marker!!! what 2 miles??? that is it??? Oh boy! Most of the course was on the Navy base and honestly if I have a better bike I imagine I would have been faster. I was keeping a good pace for me though. I was pushing and pushing and then a thought came through my mind...what a second...I am ON THE NAVY BASE! I should take a moment and take this in. Yes yes I should. I mean I was passing dock after dock filled with Navy ships and Coast Guard ships! Sooooooo coooooollllllll!!! The course was super flat and aside from some curves not hard. I laughed at one curve the guy was signaling to take it slow and I said...come on now I am not really going that fast....he laughed!
Along this part of the course there really wasn't many people behind me. The beach cruiser devision and some of the relay people. A LOT of people passed me. One thing I appreciate is how when people do whiz past you most will say some words of encouragment like good job, your doing great, almost there, etc. There was a drum band that was Asian and they were cool and the Navy Band was at the entrace/exit to the base. That part with the music was cool! I wish there was more on the course.
So by the time I exited the base I had gone about 8 miles and some areas of my body were going a little numb. My hands, my butt and surrounding areas. Which would not be so bad but the roads like I said were bad. So those last 2 miles back to transition were painful haha. Then remember there was that bridge I had to go over at the start...what you forgot? I certainly didn't the whole ride I was thinking about how I had to get over that at the end. Luckily in training I had really worked on my bike gears and figured out the way to adjust them just right so that I could keep going (slowly of course) over these hills. Then I coasted down the back side and right into the bike finish line.
At this point I am aware I have a big task of the run ahead of me but I know I am in the home stretch!
There was just one problem I faced...remember that coffee I had earlier...yeah it was ready to make its departure. I didn't know what to do in the situation. I actually had needed to pee before the swim leg but my friend warned me that doing it in the wetsuit actually keeps it in there and when you remove the wetsuit the smell stays....
So the bike to run transition is fast (for me at least cause I dont need to change shoes). I just took off my helmet but on my cool new hat and took off. It is so hard to run when your legs are fatigued. At this point too most people have actually finished the race so I am running through all the spectators and competitors that have finished and are walking back to their cars.
So I take off and the whole time I am running the fact that I need to use the bathroom is consuming my mind. The run is along seaport village and as I get going maybe the first 1/4mile the sensation is returning to my legs, they start to remember how to run and I find my 13 min mile pace. As I run past the shops and restaurants I keep looking for a bathroom. If I can just duck in somewhere and go I know I can run better...and think about something else besides going. I don't even know if that is allowed. I am thinking why don't they have a bathroom along the course somewhere. What the heck to people do in longer races??? And while I am at it where the heck is the half way mark!!!
There was so few people left on the course and very few behind me. When I did turn around at the half way mark most the people I passed going the other way ended up catching up with me and passing me. Don't misunderstand I don't mind at all. I never set out to do this to be fast or the best. I am seriously grinning from ear to ear the whole run (except for when I am fretting about my full bladder). So then there it us up not the finish line haha
A bathroom in the end of the park we are running around about a mile from the finish line. You better believe I ducked in there and took care of business. I felt incredible!!!!!
I came running outta the bathroom. Totally ready and able to finish the last mile. I still kept my pace but now I was totally able to do it with no distraction!!! As I rounded the last part of the park ready to head into the last 200 yards or so there they kids <3 <3 also my sister, cousin and my friend. They all cheered for me!!! What a great feeling to have love and support at the race!! So I told them I would be back soon as I had to get to that finish!!!
I was so happy I tried to sprint the whole way but it felt like the finish line was moving further away the harder I tried to get to it hahaha. But then my moment came I ran up the red carpet to the finish beaming ear to ear, a wave of emotions came over me as I crossed over!! The announcer says and we have #731 Katie Mason coming across the finish line, and how about that a huge smile still on her face after all that hard work!!! It's true I was so happy!!!
As you can see with the photo I was so proud of myself!! During the run the swim seemed a lifetime ago. Now that I was done it all did. Physically I felt great! I don't wanna say that I could have kept going or that I was ready for the next race right away.
I rejoiced with my family for a while, walked around all the expo stuff and band playing.
And that was it, it was over, I was done! All my training had been for this moment!
I didn't see my times before I left the race but I looked on line later.
My finish time was 1 hour 55minutes. Which I AM THRILLED WITH!!! The super sprint I did my time was 1 hr 19min and that was half the distance of this Sprint Distance. All my times are:
Swim time 14:17 (I can not believe that was only 14 min!!!! Seemed like days haha)
Swim to Bike transition 4:11
Bike 52:52
Bike to Run trans 1:12
Run 42:28

Those are the results!!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

race photos

transition area @ 5:30AM
this is where the swim will be

me @ 5:30am
ready to race
me and my swim buddy
that is me in green cap :)
there was a band playing on the boat during the swim leg
and there we go!!!
almost there!!!
upstairs after the swim!!!

smiling after the swim is over!!!
finishing the bike leg
bike to run transistion
my fan club

almost there!!!!
rock star